0631-5663288/18563153511 / 15562109399
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手机号码:18563153511 / 15562109399

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威海文润测控设备有限公司(以下简称威海文润)成立于2007 2月,注册资本9000万元,是一家致力于流量仪表的研发、光伏发电、风能发电、光水气热能设备、蒸汽热能设备为核心的产品,提供先进的绿色新能源低碳技术的社会服务性企业,与清华大学、哈尔滨工业大学、山东大学、中国科学院等机构建立了长期的合作关系,设有哈尔滨工业大学教授工作站、省级企业技术研发中心,拥有自主知识产权,荣获21项国家技术专利,科研项目荣获国家立项资金大力支持。企业位于中国威海。

公司积极研发流量仪表、各类先进的新能源绿色低碳技术,坚持独立自主,创新发展,荣获国家发明奖。公司科研人员占全体工作人员的30 %以上,核心研发团队由4名博士后及多名行业资深工程师构成,并积极吸纳海内外著名高校的本科生、研究生前来实践实习,为今后的科研人员培养新鲜血液。

公司以流体涡街流量计,宽量程高准确度差压式锥体流量计,热式质量流量计,多孔平衡流量计等测量仪器仪表自动化控制及高效节能环保系统、光水气热能设备、光伏发电、风能发电等可再生绿色能源为基础,集研发、组装、服务于一体,致力于91℃以上的高温热能研发,可以为广大客户提供低碳、绿色的分布式工业蒸汽设备和综合能源系统解决方案,满足各类热力、工商业客户的用能需求。中国目前正向“2030年碳达峰,2060年碳中和”的宏图伟业不断奋进,威海文润坚定不移地追随党中央的旗帜,以特有的前瞻和胆识加快科技创新步伐,提高民族工业自动化水平为己任,研发绿色环保和低碳能源技术,立志做绿色能源领域的变革先驱,为全国人民、世界人民创造绿色低碳的幸福未来。在发展低碳经济势在必行的大环境下,威海文润将为社会可持续发展和科技进步贡献自己的力量,承担更多的责任,将不忘初心,砥砺前行,“开创新品类, 助力碳达峰”,走融合发展之路。

Company Profile

The company was established in 2007,registered capital of 90 million yuan,guided by green technology and new energy technology, we specialize in the development and production of vortex flow meters, electromagnetic flow meters, high-precision cone flow meters, light water gas thermal energy units, intelligent water dispensers, and seawater desalination treatment equipment,It has established long-term cooperative relations with Tsinghua University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shandong University and Chinese Academy of Sciences,We have a professor workstation at Harbin Institute of Technology and a provincial-level enterprise technology research and development center, with independent intellectual property rights. We have won 21 national technology patents and research projects have received strong support from national project funding. We are a supplier of high-tech products and technical services to the world.The core R&D team of the company consists of four postdoctoral fellows and several senior engineers in the industry, and actively attracts undergraduate and graduate students from renowned universities at home and abroad to come for practical internships, cultivating fresh blood for future researchers.The company takes the unique foresight and courage to accelerate the pace of technological innovation, improve the level of national industrial automation as its responsibility, research and develop green environmental protection and low-carbon energy technologies, and aspire to be a pioneer in the transformation of green energy, creating a green and low-carbon happy future for the people of China and the world. In the context of the imperative development of a low-carbon economy, the company will contribute its efforts to sustainable social development and technological progress, assume more responsibilities, never forget its original intention, forge ahead, "innovate categories, help carbon peak", and take the path of integrated development.